miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014

eTwinning Online Moderators Course 2014

I've just finished another online course: eTwinning Online Moderators Course 2014
The Online Moderators Course was divided in four modules, and its main objectives were:
  1. To learn how to run an eTwinning group or a Learning Event
  2. To develop skills as an online tutor
  3. To learn how to set up and implement a variety of online tasks
  4. To reflect on the skills needed for working effectively online (moderating skills, climate setting, support, etc.)
The course was attended by 171 teachers from all over Europe but only 81 finished it (only 16 of them with the highest marks -completed the course with commendation-)

Even though it was tiring and time consuming, it's been a terrific experience with lots of interesting contents and enthusiastic people looking forward to sharing their opinions, ideas, activities and experiences.

Thank you, eTwinning, for giving me this great opportunity.

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