Thank you eTwinning for this incredible opportunity and thank you Arjana Blazic and Bart Verswijvel for sharing your knowledge and your enthusiasm. It's been my pleasure, indeed.
lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015
sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015
Ravel's Bolero as you have never experienced it
I have just found this webpage ( and I think it's worth spreading. It has been created by the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO), and as they proudly proclaim, on this webpage you will "experience one of the world's leading orchestras like never before".
You can interact with multiple HD camera angles and view up to four streams on your screen meanwhile you listen to the music (click on the image to access to the videos):
Besides, in the section "Explore the orchestra" you can find resources and lots of information about the composition, the composer, the instruments and the performers (click on the icons on the left of the screen to surf the resources. I've found specially interesting the masterclass with the snare drum player).
You can also find teacher's resources with lots of activities to prepare your students to listen and play this composition properly. For sure I will use them to train my students for The Orchestra Rocks concert that will be given by the OSPA in May.
The webpage also gives you access to the same features in Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique.
You can interact with multiple HD camera angles and view up to four streams on your screen meanwhile you listen to the music (click on the image to access to the videos):
Besides, in the section "Explore the orchestra" you can find resources and lots of information about the composition, the composer, the instruments and the performers (click on the icons on the left of the screen to surf the resources. I've found specially interesting the masterclass with the snare drum player).
You can also find teacher's resources with lots of activities to prepare your students to listen and play this composition properly. For sure I will use them to train my students for The Orchestra Rocks concert that will be given by the OSPA in May.
The webpage also gives you access to the same features in Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique.
miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015
Monteverdi's Orfeo
Our Opera Project goes on. We have been working on "the birth of opera" and on Monteverdi's Orfeo.
Even though Monteverdi often gets credit for inventing opera, the fact is that opera evolved amidst a community of Italian artists in the last years of the 16th century. Laura and Elisa used that fact on this amazing comic, created with PIXTON (click on the image to read the whole story)
Even though Monteverdi often gets credit for inventing opera, the fact is that opera evolved amidst a community of Italian artists in the last years of the 16th century. Laura and Elisa used that fact on this amazing comic, created with PIXTON (click on the image to read the whole story)
lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015
The Red Violin
In 2ESO, we keep moving on in our trip through Music History. Today we have started watching The Red Violin but, before watching it, we have worked on these activities.
domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015
Y ellos, ¿qué música escuchaban cuando tenían nuestra edad?
Un año más he propuesto este proyecto al alumnado de 4º ESO y los resultados han sido más que satisfactorios.
Además de obligarles a comunicarse y preguntar a miembros de sus familias de distintas generaciones, la actividad supone organizar la información y presentarla en forma de páginas web (utilizando WIX)
Accede a las instrucciones sobre la actividad y un breve tutorial sobre cómo crear una cuenta en WIX.
Pincha sobre la imagen si quieres acceder a las páginas elaboradas:
Gracias a María Jesús Camino (@mariajesusmusic) de quien he tomado la idea para este proyecto.
Además de obligarles a comunicarse y preguntar a miembros de sus familias de distintas generaciones, la actividad supone organizar la información y presentarla en forma de páginas web (utilizando WIX)
Accede a las instrucciones sobre la actividad y un breve tutorial sobre cómo crear una cuenta en WIX.
Pincha sobre la imagen si quieres acceder a las páginas elaboradas:
Aquí está el formulario de autoevaluación que debían responder antes de dar por concluida la actividad.
En este enlace puedes acceder a la plantilla con la que cada uno de los alumnos y alumnas han valorado el trabajo de sus compañeros y compañeras.
sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015
My experience in the Creativity Classroom Group Online Unconference
Today, Pi Day, I've been involved in the 2nd Creativity Classroom Group Online Unconference. Some experienced eTwinners have been presenting their work and their ideas to a group of "crazy" teachers who are spending their weekend time listening, sharing and learning from each other.
During the morning I've used my 10 minutes to introduce the European Music Portfolio, and the activities we have developed with our students in the Let's Speak Music eTwinning Project. In spite of the nervousness and some technical difficulties I've enjoyed this worth living experience.
During the morning I've used my 10 minutes to introduce the European Music Portfolio, and the activities we have developed with our students in the Let's Speak Music eTwinning Project. In spite of the nervousness and some technical difficulties I've enjoyed this worth living experience.
martes, 10 de marzo de 2015
PLE: Aprendizaje conectado en red
Comienzo una nueva aventura INTEF, y es la tercera consecutiva. En esta ocasión se trata de organizar el entorno personal de aprendizaje (del inglés Personal Learning Environment, PLE)
Como siempre que me enfrento a una nueva experiencia formativa, empiezo el curso #PLE_intef cargado de ganas e ilusión por aprender y compartir. Veremos lo que nos depara...
Como siempre que me enfrento a una nueva experiencia formativa, empiezo el curso #PLE_intef cargado de ganas e ilusión por aprender y compartir. Veremos lo que nos depara...
domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015
sábado, 7 de marzo de 2015
eTwinning Online Unconference
This time next week I will be given a short talk about the relationship between teaching Music and teaching languages. The talk will take place online in the 2nd Creative Classroom Group Online Unconference organized by Irene Pateraki.
During the presentation I will explain the different possibilities offered on the European Music Portfolio site and my eTwinning experiences: "Let's Speak Music" and "The Rhythm Speaks".
Here you have the programme of the activity:
During the presentation I will explain the different possibilities offered on the European Music Portfolio site and my eTwinning experiences: "Let's Speak Music" and "The Rhythm Speaks".
Here you have the programme of the activity:
jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015
Jeopardy game: Musical instruments
Today we have used these jeopardy games -created on Super Teachers Tools- in order to review the contents related to Musical Instruments.
Do you feel like trying (click on the image)?
On this one you will have to identify the instruments or to ask some questions related to the images: Jeopardy game, musical instruments (2)
Both activities are based on the contents you can find in the game created by the Carnegie Hall: Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra
Do you feel like trying (click on the image)?
On this one you will have to identify the instruments or to ask some questions related to the images: Jeopardy game, musical instruments (2)
Both activities are based on the contents you can find in the game created by the Carnegie Hall: Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra
miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015
MOOC: Artes y Tecnologías para educar
Hoy comienzo una nueva aventura formativa, el MOOC Artes y Tecnologías para educar (#moocarteytic), organizado por la OEI, la Universidad de Valladolid y la UNED.
El curso se presenta como "una invitación a reflexionar sobre el papel que las artes y las tecnologías desempeñan hoy, en pleno siglo XXI, en cualquier proceso de aprendizaje". Suena interesante, veremos qué nos depara.
El curso se presenta como "una invitación a reflexionar sobre el papel que las artes y las tecnologías desempeñan hoy, en pleno siglo XXI, en cualquier proceso de aprendizaje". Suena interesante, veremos qué nos depara.
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