viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Mozart on tour

I've created this short presentation using myHistro. It gives the possibility of matching maps and a timeline. I've used it to summarize Mozart's trips when he was just 6 years old.

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

eTwinning Online Seminar (Creativity Group)

Designing and evaluating activities applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles was the title of the talk offered -via Webex- by Katerian Rivion.

Lots of links and resources, lots of information and some interesting ideas to think about:

The way people learn is as unique as their fingerprints
Inflexible curricula raise unintentional barriers to learning

Open Discovery Space (ODS)
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Aplicaciones para editar imágenes

En el Encuentro Didáctico eTwinning sobre Realidad Aumentada han presentado varias aplicaciones interesantes para la edición de imágenes.
Este es el resultado de aplicar uno de los efectos que se encuentran en a una de mis fotografías de carnaval:

sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015

And now Aurasma

A lifelong learner on a never ceasing quest for knowledge and having lots of fun along the way (because learning is exciting and enjoyable)
This AR activity was created using Aurasma, the leading augmented reality platform.

My first experience with AR (Augmented Reality)

Thanks to the eTwinning Learning Event "Augmented Reality in eTwinning" I'm having much fun and discovering a great amount of applications in order to produce incredible things.
This is my Pudsey's 3D doodle disco created with colAR Mix app.

It's amazing to see him coming to life on the i-Pad screen.

martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

My first Educreations Tutorial

This is my first try in Educreations. Even though I think I can improve it, I'm sure it will be useful for my 1ESO students in order to finish their Noteflight task.

Augmented reality in eTwinning (#AReTW)

I've just started my first Learning Event in eTwinning. During the next 10 days I will learn and share contents related to Media, Augmented reality, Situated and outdoor learning and Museums with Arjana Blazic (@abfromz), Bart Verswijvel (@BartVerswijvel) and 219 teachers more from all over Europe.

This is the first activity, introduce yourself using a map (created with ZeeMaps)

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015

Music styles

Do you really think you can distinguish lots of different music styles? Just try this and listen to more than 1000 different ones.

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015

What's in an opera, using the words in context

Once we have learnt the meaning of the different words related to the opera we used them in context through different listening activities.

We started watching and commenting this video from the Metropolitan Opera House, Met in Schools webpage (click here or on the image to open it):,AAAAjh5TC7k~,K2aUOQDXqSoshQuy5U8UTpU4wug0ASco&bctid=949304555001

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

Opera project, we have started working

Today we have been working on the basic vocabulary we will need for our presentations.
Here you can find the link to the document we have used.

domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015

Opera Project

A new edition of The Opera Project is about to start. Here you have the poster (created with Canva)

On this video you can watch a summary of last year's edition:

Whats in an opera from Fran Música on Vimeo: This video shows the end of a whole process. What's in an Opera is a cross-curricular project in which English and Music teachers have worked together. 2 ESO students were given information and tools to organise and give a whole presentation about an specific opera. IES Emilio Alarcos, Bilingual project, May 2014.

New application added to my growing collection: Canva

I've just known Canva, a free application for basic graphic design, and I think I will use it a lot.

Thanks to Color in my Piano for sharing.

viernes, 6 de febrero de 2015

Our special guest: Celtia

As we were finishing our activities related to musical instruments, I asked Celtia to bring her flute to one of our lessons. Not only she presented her instrument (in English, of course), but she also played some well known tunes (she even challenged her classmates to raise their hands if they were able to recognise the tune)

Thank you, Celtia, for sharing your talents with us.

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015

Introduction to the Baroque

In 2 ESO, we have just started talking about the Baroque. After a quick brainstorm about the concept, we used this video as a "fast and friendly" introduction to the period.

Before watching the video students tried to match numbers and letters on the following activity: click to download. They were able to match some of them without any help but it was much easier once they, first, listened to the video and then watched it.

Once they understood all the concepts properly they were able to explain and relate most of the terms that appear on this word cloud (it was created with Tagxedo from the key words used on the video) and that's how we started the second lesson.

Thank you to Classic FM for this series of videos (even though Monteverdi's Orfeo was first performed in 1607 and not in 1609)

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015

eTwinning eSafety Online Seminar

Esta tarde he podido disfrutar de una nueva y enriquecedora experiencia eTwinning. Se trataba de un webinar en relación con el uso seguro de Internet.
Durante la sesión he tenido la oportunidad de familiarizarme con el "Safer Internet Day" (SID) y las múltiples posibilidades que ofrece, incluida la existencia de una Agencia Nacional.
Muy interesante me ha resultado la información relativa a la eSafety Label, una web que permiete evaluar la infraestructura, el reglamento y las prácticas del centro en relación con la normativa de seguridad digital.

Presentación Erasmus+

Durante la tarde de ayer tuve la oportunidad de presentar el Proyecto Erasmus+ KA1 que coordino en el IES Emilio Alarcos. El acto, enmarcado dentro del curso Programas europeos y otras iniciativas internacionales, tuvo lugar en el Centro de Profesorado y de Recursos (CPR) de Gijón-Oriente.

Aquí podéis acceder a la presentación. Más información sobre el Proyecto Erasmus+ en nuestro Centro en el blog creado al efecto: