Music 1st ESO
Teacher: Francisco Prendes
1. Learning outcomes
- To be able to describe different sounds using appropriate terms
- To state that sound is caused by vibrations
- To state that sound needs a medium to travel through and it can be solid, liquid or gas
- To be able to use the terms 'frequency' and 'amplitude' in describing sound waves
- To be able to compare and interpret wave forms in terms of pitch and loudness
- To explain simple how the ear works
- To understand that the loudness of sound is measured in decibels
- To understand that loud sounds over a period of time can cause deafness To give possible solutions to noise pollution
2. Subject Content
- Sound and its properties: Pitch, duration, intensity and timbre
- How sound is produced: waves and its characteristics
- How the ear works: the human hearing range
- Noise pollution: Hearing loss and hearing protections
3. Language Content / Communication
3.1. Vocabulary:
Pitch, duration, intensity, timbre, ear, music, silence, sound, noise, eardrum, ear canal, ossicles, wave, vibration, medium, vacuum, frequency, amplitude, loudness, decibel, deafness, pollution, hearing
Listen, hear, vibrate, compare, pollute, promote, reduce, install, prevent
High, low, loud, quiet, soft, smooth, deaf
3.2. Structures:
- Use the adjectives related to the topic (high, low, loud, quiet) in their comparative forms.
- Use will and won't to make predictions.
- Use modal verbs to express probability.
- Express certainty and make logical deductions.
- Express personal opinions.
4. Activities:
This unit is thought to take six lessons.
Lesson 1:
Warm up activity (20'): Is it Music? Students will listen to several audio files and they have to decide if it's music or not. (All the audio files have been taken from youtube videos:
Debate (10')
Handouts about sound (20'): Read the contents ( and answer the questions (
Use the information given to complete the following activities:
1. Fill in the blanks (created with educaplay):
2. Matching activity (created with educaplay):
Lesson 2:
Warm up activity: What is a sound? (5') (
Sound properties (videos and debate) (10'):
The human hearing range (
The mosquito sound activity (compare the frequency range of sounds of different animals) (10') (
Auditory discrimination activities (20'):
Name that sound (video):
Audio memory, Wild Music:
Name that sound:
Lesson 3:
Presentation related to the hearing process (matching words to images, fill in the gaps, label the image) (25') (Presentation: (Activities: file:
How the ear works:
video – listening activity (15') (
Interactive ear tool (
Video: loud and quiet (10') (
Lesson 4:
How loud is too loud: debate (10') ( (Image to be commented on:
Review activity (created with educaplay):
Reading: Article about hearing loss (10') (
Deafening sound: video (10') (
What can we do to prevent hearing loss, debate (10')
How to use a sound meter, possible applications (10') (
Homework: create a sound map
Lesson 5:
Create a comic using PIXTON, instructions for the task (
How to use Pixton, tutorial (
Lesson 6:
Presentation of the comics
5. Evaluation (assessment instruments)
- There will be a test at the end of the unit.
- Class work will be graded (listening, reading, speaking activities, group work)
- Homework: sound map.
- Project: Comic about noise pollution.
Link to the Unit in pdf: